Wednesday, November 17, 2010


OK, so I'm weird and haven't posted anything on this or yea. But let it be known Raquel Reed is my favorite alternative model and I would die to work with her.

Well guess what if you didn't know - that statement up there is so past tense. Because I finally did get the chance to work with her and I'm still so stoked about it.

My photographer, Barrie Blau was shooting with Raquel for a feature in Alt Noir Magazine and by luck, I was asked to bring some wardrobe.

We ended up shooting a couple looks - Barrie is an amazing photographer and Raquel is always perfection, so hello. It was magic and I was just on set, standing around like a dork because designers on set are either 1. Diva bitches who try to take total control or 2. Silent stalkers ready to help if you call them over.

I was the second (well that better be how I was).

I'll post pictures later - check my Facebook for them all!

But here's an even bigger treat...Raquel shot a video with Jeffree Star (who I adore) and it was filmed by this sick as hell artist Worm Carnevale. Seriously, those three's like the holy trinity or something.

Oh yea, why am I bringing this up? Guess who made the dress Raquel is in? Yea, that would be me. DUDE!

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