Monday, October 26, 2009

Canada - it's EVERYWHERE

first trip to Canada - magical.

people are cool, stores are cool and concert goers are just like Jersey kids, maybe even better.

saw Boys Night Out for what may be, but so hope it's not, they're last show ever. They had the original line-up play all of their EP and first album - AMAZING.

did i write about this already? it was just that good.

also need to write on another show. it's so weird feeling seeing Boys Night Out and then tonight i dragged my one friend to see Greeley Estates and From First to Last. talk about blast from the past!

i wish is was like 2006/2007/2008 somehwere in there. maybe 2005 going into 2006 - yea...

interviewing one of my dream musicians/singers. i have no idea what to ask. besides for his hand in marriage, haha

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