Friday...we shot for an upcoming feature in an online magazine. It'll be up in oh, 4 weeks. Details to come!
Photographer - Barrie Blau
MUA/Hair - Nicole 'The Magician' Gevirtz
Models - Vika Noxx, Alien Baby and Kami!
I feel like you don't even have to post images, b/c well, just the idea of all these crazy talented ladies is enough to be like - whoa! That's freakin' awesome!
We had a bumpy start to the day, one being the fact that Route 202 is the road of despair, I almost got into an accident b/c of some old male geezer and Pennsylvania is a backwards backroads kind of place.
I'm such a North Jersey girl it's retarded!
The suitcase I brought was overflowing with clothes and thank God there were three models. We got through two of the magazine looks done and then started to play with other outfits.
We put Alien Baby in this leotard I made WAY too small. But she's a skinny minnie and it worked out.
Rawr face!
Me safety pinning the damn thing b/c it still was big on her!
After pizza and Alien Baby being all bendy for the camera...Kami came! The lovely Nicole feathered her hair to revive the ghost of Farrah Fawcett to mess up Barrie's camera...Ellie finished being bendy and Vika hung out in the second to last look.
The models did two group shots and Kami got her pose on with a re-mixed outfit.
Can't wait to show the world the photos! Here's some beauty shots to tide the world over and one of Alien Baby being bendy.
But first! B/c I am also a photographer and photo editor (haha), here's a candid of the photographer modeling - she's a pretty skinny minnie
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